Sunday, July 26, 2015

Transcription - The Amen Break

If you listen to or create jungle, drum 'n' bass, breakbeat, hip-hop music, etc., you owe G.C. Coleman a beer.

Well, you would if he were still with us.  Mr. Coleman bestowed upon us "The Amen Break".  Whether you realize it or not, you know this break.  The song from which it comes, "Amen, Brother", was originally recorded on the B-side of a pretty successful record called "Color Him Father" in 1969 by a band called the Winstons.  However, the four bar break in the middle of the tune turned out to be more successful than the song itself as it became the backbone of jungle and drum 'n' bass music, and one of the most sampled breaks of all time.  It's been sped up, slowed down, pitch changed, chopped up, EQ'd and anything else you can think of probably a thousand times over.

You can read more about the background and influence of the break on Wikipedia.  The BBC also did a piece on it recently.  Both worth checking out.  But we're here for the notes.

If you ever find yourself in a situation where you're asked to play a drum 'n' bass, or even a hip-hop groove, this break is probably a really safe place to start:

You didn't think I'd leave you without some practice loops, did you?  First is the original:

If you need some time to get in under your hands, here is a slower version.  I left the analog locked for that fat breakbeat sound.

Once you've got a really good grasp on things, try it at a DnB tempo.  Again, analog locked for authenticity.

And lastly but not leastly, here is the whole tune, in its entirety:


  1. This is one of my favorite drum solos EVER!!!!:)

  2. Natjerao sam svog bivšeg ljubavnog partnera da se vrati ljubavi i vjeruje mi više nego ikada prije. Cijeli svoj život nisam mislio da bi ljubavna čarolija mogla vratiti mog bivšeg ljubavnika Mårtenssona, sve dok me prijatelj nije upoznao s pravom čarolijom, prije nego što sam kontaktirao neke čarolije da mi pomognu, ali znam da bi mi mogle pomoći, neke su zahtijevale više novca dok Slijedim jednostavne upute iz velike ljubavne čarolije putem njegovog osobnog WhatsApp broja +12162022709 ili Vibera +12066713285, uspjela sam komunicirati i nazvati ga i odmah dobiti pomoć od njega da vratim ljubav i sreću mog braka Drigbinovia. Svatko još uvijek može dobiti istu pomoć od njega danas vratiti izgubljenu ljubav ili obnoviti prekinutu vezu i razvedeni partner se može vratiti ljubavi. moguće je jer mi radi u roku od 3 dana, moj bivši ljubavnik me nazvao na telefon da se ispriča i trenutno oboje živimo zajedno u ljubavi i sreći. također možete dobiti njegovu e-poštu na Hvala Drigbinovia na njegovim darovitim moćima hvala što ste odvojili vrijeme da pročitate moje svjedočanstvo?
